IT’SUGAR founder Jeff Rubin had previously started Dylan’s Candy Bar in NYC and FAO Schweetz, in conjunction with the eponymous toy store. And when we met him in 2005, he was preparing to open a candy store called IT’SUGAR in Atlantic City.
He knew he needed something unique and different, and that’s where we came in. Together we identified a larger cultural context that might make what he was doing more relevant. More exciting. And sell more than just candy. We needed a point of view.
We say “Yes” in a world full of “no.”
In a world where we are constantly told what we shouldn’t eat, say, think or do, we found there was an opportunity to celebrate the kid inside each of us. We felt that there was a place for the unapologetic embrace of the sheer joy candy brings into people’s lives, and a rebellious push back against the sensibility of the rest of our day.
Nothing exceeds like excess.
Together, we built a brand that is a little rambunctious and a lot of fun. It conforms to nothing but the pursuit of happiness and takes nothing seriously except candy and old Saturday Night Live skits. People think of candy as something for kids, but the fact is: Everyone wants it. And that’s something to celebrate.
The sweet smell of success.
We have curated every touch point of the IT’SUGAR brand, from marketing, to the in-store graphics, to product development and package design.
Together, we worked with IT’SUGAR to launch their very first store, and are proud to say we continue to help them thrive now that they have 100 stores worldwide and are still growing. And in 2018, our unique strategy and hard work helped result in IT’SUGAR being acquired by private equity group BBX Holdings for $57 million. That’s a lot of gummi bears.